WDI_LIMakers_CutA_092915.00_06_21_19.Still028The Myth:

Nothing is made on Long Island.  All the good people left or are leaving. Too often the manufacturing industry on Long Island is referred to as a thing of the past.  We are bombarded with stories of a “brain drain” of both people and companies leaving and we have accepted the narrative that manufacturing on Long Island lived and died with large companies who left years ago.


The Reality:


From agriculture to apps – it is being grown and made here on Long Island. From the eastern tips of our shore to the invisible line between “The Island” and “The City”; a remarkable community of makers lives and thrives.  These makers (people and companies) create things that are crucial to our nation and our world while doing work that matters to them professionally and personally. One of the most powerful things to witness is the way that these makers weave together legacy, tradition, heritage with innovation, creativity and exploration.  They honor and build on past expertise, respond quickly and creatively to the present and all while imagining, preparing for and authoring the future of their industry and Long Island.


Changing the Conversation:

See Long Island as it is today, right now. It’s time to change the conversation. Let’s share what we do, that we can do what we love, and what we do matters; all on Long Island.

